Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The Raider of Cheap Sunglasses Online


For tonight's monolouge I shall share something very private to ya'll. I'm quite a penny pincher when it comes to buying things for myself with my own money. And for tonight's monolouge shall be the focus of...me trying to find a cheap pair of shades. I want something classy. Something aviator. Something very 80's retro looking. I've been looking on ebay and I've found some but it's hard to decide. I'm thinking of just...focusing on it later. I want something flashy something cool. You know...because I'm pretty hip.


GOOD EVENING, MY 7 DWARFS. Today, I woke up late. Extremely late. I woke up at 1:48 in the afternoon. In the process I found a message on my phone from Chris saying he tried me and I didn't answer so we'd meet up later this week. Damnation. So I'm going to have lunch with Kurt tommorrow to talk some more about the doc. Chris can't come tommorrow for some un-disclosed reason. I'm pretty hyped. These guys have officially moved into my "friends" category. So with nothing to do, I fell into my old schedule. I went on a jog around the neighborhood, saw the icecream truck along the way. What-a-truck. I got me a Spiderman popcicle. It's shaped like his head and had bubble gum eyes. After the snack, I went forth with my jog. Listening to Coldplay. I love the song Don't Panic. It's great. "We Live in a beautiful worlddddd... Yeah we do!". Along the way I kept thinking of the Kelly-Hopkinsville alien encounter, the one I talked a-boot yesterday. And I thought it would make a great movie. I need to write the script someday. It'd be badass. Then the rest of the day I sat around the house. I found Ross' airsoft rifle. So...I did what any man bored out of his wits would do. I went out and shot shit. And about 3 minutes into my shooting...a white cat walked up to me. He stared at me as he walked around me in a circle. He then climbed onto the patteo furniture and laid down. I just sat down and watched it. It came up to me after a bit and I petted it. Then about 30 minutes into playing with the cat it ran off. The damn thing was cute. It was more of a kitten...I hope he comes back. I got a name for that cat, Stevens.


If I don't watch Totally Rad Show on Tuesday, Goblins come out and rape people. Anybody get raped? Didn't think so. Still watching as of now. So, let me watch. Alright, I'm finished with the episode. It was pretty good. I can't believe they liked The Love Guru. Come on! I thought the Gaming thing was pretty cool too. The good thing is...it gave me the....
If you were stuck in a mall full of zombies and you only had...
1. A weapon
2. A song blaring through the speakers
3.A celebrity/famous person
...with you. What/Who would it be?

Good question. My weapon would be the T-1000 from the Terminator. That fucker could fight ALL of them off. My song blaring? Rise Today by Alterbridge. That song gets me so fucking pumped you have no idea. Especially when it hits the ...I guess chorus? My celebrity would be Amy Adams. So we could chill in the Matress Outlet in the mall while T-1000 kills all the zombies. "Amy, those clothes are covered in zombie blood. Take 'em off, climb in this bed with me so you won't get cold. ...Yes, I am quite handsome, Amy. ...You want to make babies with me? Well, who am I to say no?"

AND ALL THE ZOMBIES WATCHED AS WE DID IT. Right now, I'm listening to The Coldplayers(the awesome Coldplay tribute band I spoke of yesterday). Their awesome. It's made me decide I am going to go out next week and buy a keyboard. Let's see if it keeps for a week, and I'll buy one. You know? I'm going to teach myself. Try it by ear. I can't read music theory for the life of me. They tried to make me like when I was a kid but I rebelled. I hatd it. Yes hatd. Not hated. Get with it, man, it's the 90's. But another reason why is because Zach Galifiankis does it. I have such a wierd obessesion with him and his comedy. I think it's just perfect. I highly reccomend him to you.

I'VE DECIDED THAT EVERY CITY NEED A PUNISHER. And by punisher I don't mean the police. I mean Frank Castle, THE PUNISHER. He'd fuck up those criminals that the police/government are too pussy to serve TRUE JUDGMENT to. I was reading yesterday about this girl who was abducted in Japan by a group of boys and kept in one of the young boy's houses. And the parents knew about everything they did to her. They didn't care. They eventually killed her when they set her on fire. The police found out and got all the fuckers in prison. Then this one fucker got released after 8 years. They didn't kill him for killing/torturing a young girl. Fuck, people. We NEED vigilante justice. Prison doesn't do FUCKING SHIT. KILL THESE CRIMINALS. I know what you are thinking "But what about the wrongly accused?" Who gives a shit? That barely happens in real life and if it does they certainly aren't Andy Dufrens from The Shawshank Redemption.


SO I CAN'T WAIT TO START FILMING. It's going to be epic. Chris and Kurt said they wanted to try and get me a gig at a comedy club for the show. There are a few around here so who knows? This could be my big break. And all the good high school did for me! Heh. I think I'm losing my mind. I really do. I don't do anything all day long. I just sit around and watch TV and movies. I don't like video games. I suffer from depression and I'm taking zoloft. It doesn't do me good but the doctors think it will. People always said I was crazy or something, looks like their right. But I'm cool with it. I'm a cool guy.

THIS BLOG IS TERRIBLY DOWN TODAY. Very depressing me thinks. I want something fun. So I'm going to do a few jokes right here....

"I just don't think I'm ready yet..." was what my second girlfriend said when I tried to have sex.
"RAPE!" is what my first girlfriend said.

GUYS! I'M KIDDING! She didn't say a word because I drugged her first.

Love that one song from them. "Drops Of Jupiter" Kicks some ass. Now I'm going to talk about myself a little more. I haven't cut my hair in over 4 months. It's pretty bushy but cool looking right now. I need to get a camera and show you.
God, today's blog is a stinker. I might aswell just end it.

TOMMORROW: Lunch: Olive Garden with Kurt. Possibly hang/talk with him for a while tommorrow. Go jogging some more. Hopefully talk to Chris. And I might have to take my car into the garage because something is leaking under my car.



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